
IP Transit

IP transient can be defined as an agreement between the upstream provider and an end user where the first party provide the second party by a comprehensive connectivity to the rest of the Internet. The protocol that is used in this service is the BGP which is utilized to announce the IP of the customer towards the upstream provider and then toward the global internet.



It is a connection topology that secure a process of sharing IP addresses between several networks without any interfere by other third party. Therefore, peering through IXP reduces the estimated cost


Global Peering

Global peering offers a customer an opportunity to be connected to tremendous number of networks that are utilized by the up to date industry platforms. Doing so will decrease the latency, increase the revenue, increase the network stability and decrease the overall cost. As a result, this will increase user’s profit


Contact Us

IRAQ-IXP is a first and unique neutral IXP that serves all Iraqi regions. As a JV between Civilization Co, TAURUS ARM and ITPC, this project targets the Iraqi interconnectivity market by offering different services.

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